Friday, December 6, 2013

Welcome, December!

But first, my sincere apologies to November.  That was such a busy, busy month that I never even considered blogging.  I had two weddings (one of which I was photographer!) and an Indy bachelorette party scheduled, plus several other minor events.  Every weekend was a flurry of activity, and I barely managed to keep up with both my personal and professional obligations.  Still, I was more than happy to share a wedding day with one of my favorite brides ever, and it was a pleasure to process all the photos from that happy celebration.
Isn't she lovely?
Of course, December has arrived beautifully, and today we're enjoying our first official snow day.  Hence the first real chance to update with a post. Honestly, I know I've likely missed so many wonderful opportunities to include, but I think it would just be easier to start from today.  Except for Hudson's Christmas program.  It was too sweet to overlook. 
He makes me smile.
Here's a few snapshots of our fun in the snow from earlier today.  From Saint Nick (who stopped by this morning with stockings full of goodies) to wrapping Christmas gifts, we've been filled with holiday cheer.  So as I watch snow blanket the backyard and prepare to start some taco soup, I am planning to return soon with regularly scheduled blogging at its best.
Happy December!

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