Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cold, Cold, Go Away

Like the rest of us, my little Hudson is just wishing for some warm weather. He's heard rumor of a backyard out there somewhere.....

Boogie Fever

They were dancing to Jay Z's "Can I Get A....." If you don't believe me, just read the TV in the background behind Ava. Apparently my children can shake it to rap as well as The Wiggles. Nice to know they have a wide range of skills.

It Happened So Fast

It was a typical evening on the Smith homefront. In the living room, Ava and Hudson were playing together on the floor, Daddy was “on duty” in the recliner, and Mommy was finishing up a few tasks. One minute all was quiet, all was calm.

Until a hysterical little voice suddenly shouted, CHAPSTICK!

Now, in some homes this unexpected word—screeched at a high level of volume—might be confusing, misplaced, or even downright odd. Nope, not in the Smith family. We all immediately snapped to attention. We knew what it meant, and it wasn't good. Little Hudson had somehow gotten ahold of a tube of Chapstick, and his vigilant big sister was alerting the troops.


Erik and I were in motion immediately. Being only a few feet away, he had the advantage. But being across the room, I had the better view of what was to come.

In slow motion, my desperate husband ejected from the warmth of his recliner. His mouth assumed the shape of a perfect O. As our eldest child continued to shriek, and our youngest gnawed unknowingly on a small stick of danger, Erik catapulted his body across the expanse of the living room. In fact, his lunge was so powerful that he failed to properly assess the speed and bulk of his body in proportion to the distance he would need to cover. I watched—helpless—as he hurtled toward our children.

Within mere seconds, his sock-clad feet were flailing, trying to find purchase on our slick wood floor. Ava's scream seemed to mute itself as she watched, wide-eyed, as her father slid across the floor in a tailspin, as his body lost balance and began to fall backward. My hands flew to my mouth, capturing my own scream before it could further incite the situation. Little Hudson obliviously enjoyed the Chapstick.

Until his father's body slammed against the floor and skidded right at him. His little fist clutched the Chapstick as his face contorted into what can only be described as innocent surprise. Two tiny eyebrows lifted as two-hundred-pounds of out-of-control manflesh slammed into him and knocked him backward across the rug. Ava, being almost four and much more worldly, was able to put her arms up in instinctual defense as Erik's elbow snapped out and executed an effective forearm shiver, knocking her sideways. Thick emotion welled up inside of me as I witnessed my husband fall to the ground in a tumble of children.

Then all was silent.

So, I know what everyone's wondering: Did our baby choke on the Chapstick? Was either of our offspring injured by their father's desperate attempt at heroism? Did Erik survive his house-thumping trip to the floor? Thankfully, all parties involved emerged unscathed. Hudson, although surprised to find himself a few feet away from his original spot on the rug, never even fell over or cried. He was simply redeposited in a new spot. And although Ava ended up in tears, it wasn't because she was hurt, but instead because Erik tackled her artful arrangement of Barbies. Once Erik realized what had happened, he was simply relieved that it all worked out so well.

And me? Torn between terror, relief, and deep gratefulness, I wordlessly traipsed among the carnage, scooped up the offending Chapstick, and tucked it safely in a drawer.

Then LAUGHED MY A** OFF. Can you see why I married this man? My hero!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Caught in the Act

One of Hudson's newest tricks (now that he's mobile) is to sneak beside Erik's recliner and remove the bar that allows him to recline. I've actually attempted this feat myself, and it's not as easy as one would think! As I predicted earlier, Hudson is apparently going to enjoy taking things apart to figure them out. Here you can see his response when he's caught red-handed:

Does this look like a face of guilt or what?

Since he's busted anyway, he might as well admit to removing the circular piece that protects little hands from getting all greasy....

Then again, after careful consideration, he's decided that perhaps it's best to make a quick getaway after all

Bath Time Visitor

Now that Hudson is fully mobile, you never know where or when he might show up next. Naturally, I couldn't help capturing this snapshot of his impromptu bath visit with Ava. Too cute!

Through the Eyes of a Child

Recently, Ava has shown quite an interest in my digital camera, and since I'll soon have a new one (just as soon as this snow stops and I can make a trip to E'ville!), I decided to teach her how to use my old camera. Being a naturally quick learner, she soon mastered basic photography skills. Not only was this a fun activity for a snow day, but it also provided a unique glimpse at daily life through a child's perspective.

Take a look at some of her work:

Ah, brotherly love, up close and personal!

I swear the playroom didn't look this messy to me!

A day without Barbies is no day at all!

So glad her bookshelf warranted a shot!

Capturing some Mommy-Hudson love!

Valentine's Insight

On Valentine's Day, I am happy to report, Erik was extra sweet to the ladies of the house. Particularly Ava. You know, playing dolls with her. Fetching her tasty chocolate milk. And addressing her with adorable terms of endearment like tootie-fruitie, silly-billy, and turd-furgler. Stuff like that. Of course, Ava took offense to these endearments.

Ava: Daddy, why do you call me silly names like that?

Erik: Because that's how I show you that I love you. Those names mean I love you.

Ava: No, Daddy, I love you means I love you.

Wow, what a deep thought from our three-year-old Valentine! Hope everyone's special day was filled with such insight as well. Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Days Are....

Watching too much TV

Helping with the laundry

Dressing like a princess

Wearing silly hats

Oh, yeah, and playing in the snow!

Eight Months

These past eight months have flown by, and I can't believe how big my little Hudson has grown. He crawls! He babbles! He eats table food! He stands and cruises! My little baby has truly transformed into a little man.

Yes, I've fallen in love with another man. Somehow I don't think ESmith will mind. :)

Trivia Night

Two weeks ago (wow, has it really been that long?), Erik and I had the good fortune to be part of a triva team for the Huntingburg Foundation's Trivia Night, an annual fund-raising event. Thanks to my wonderful Aunt Sandy, who organized our team, we joined around 33 other teams to vie for the coveted title and also raise money for some highly worthy causes.

Although sadly I cannot boast about any major butt-kicking, I am proud to say that we easily finished in the top 10. Of course, with 6 teachers on our team of 8, we certainly had a strong pool of knowledge working for us. It was a fun night for all, and a rare adults-only activity for the Smith parents.

Next 5!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Story Time

An entertaining Ava story from dinner last week:

Hey, Mommy. Daddy. Mom and Dad. You guys, listen! Listen to me! Today at preschool I was washing my hands. You know, before snack? So I washed my hands and I was pretty late. So I hurried to my chair! Real fast! You know what?

(Dramatic pause)

I slid off my chair! Onto the floor! Under the table! You hear me? I FELL OFF MY CHAIR!

(High-pitched laughter)

Yeah, everybody laughed at me. Even Miss Nichole laughed! It was pretty funny. No, I didn't laugh, but I didn't cry either. It was really funny!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my daughter? Yeah, THAT MUCH.