Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Okay, so technically Christmas is over and done, but I had such a lovely time over the past few days that I didn't want to take time away from it to blog. So I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Blessed New Year!
We've been busy, and I have many posts to catch-up.  Since I lasted posted, I've turned thirty-two, helped the kiddos open and play with myriad gifts, romped in the magical blanket of snow we received Christmas night, enjoyed hot chocolate, and snuggled in with my family.
Here's to the holiday season!  And here's to the real reason for the season, our true Savior.  As I enjoyed each special moment, I tried to appreciate, honor, and remember.  I am blessed. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas!

It's official: Christmas preparations have begun in the Smith household!  As usual, we began the process on Black Friday, starting with the tree and the indoor decorations.  This year, both kiddos were excellent helpers.  I've never contributed so little to the tree before, and I loved it!  It certainly represents the little personalities I love so much.  We once again used our special Christmas train that attaches to the inside of the tree (you can see it in the above photo if you look closely).  Plus all our favorite ornaments, ribbons, and candy canes made reappearances.  Happy the Elf came back again, and he jumped right into his usual holiday hijinx.  We've really enjoyed finding him each morning; I'm sure I'll do a separate post to document his various spots throughout the house.

Christmas cheer has found its way into our days in other ways as well.  Holiday music is a daily staple, and we've already begun wrapping a few presents to place under the tree.  This weekend, while celebrating Papaw Rich's retirement with a party at the Old Town Hall, we managed to catch the Huntingburg Christmas parade along with a glimpse of Santa.  Both Hudson and Ava have Christmas programs at their schools this week.  And next weekend, we plan to visit the Santa Claus Land of Lights.

Ahhh, I just love this season!