Saturday, May 29, 2010

One Year Old

Dear Hudson,

Today you turned one-year-old, and I can't even begin to explain what it has meant to me to watch you transform from a snuggly little baby to a sweet, yet rough-and-tumble boy. You have such a personality! Each month, I learn another surprise about you. Prisms of personality just light up inside of you, tickling me with yet another revelation, another facet of Hudson.

There's your inner sweetness. As a baby, you were so laid-back and lovable. That hasn't changed. There's nothing like one of your mega-watt grins. You pat people, sneak shy kisses when they're least expected, and bury your face into my neck when you most need comfort. If your sister is crying, you usually first try to make her laugh, but if that doesn't work you sit beside her and squish up until your bodies are pressed together. You just l-e-a-n into her and either kiss her or wipe away her tears. It pretty much brings me to tears myself to witness your capacity for compassion. See? Sweetness.

There's your pure boyishness (testosterone, anyone?). If I expected you to sit and play engrossed for any amount of time like your sister, I was wrong! You like to MOVE! It's not so much the toy that interests you, but what you can DO with it. You streak through the house like a maniac, yet with purpose. You love trucks and have mastered the prerequisite VROOM sound that accompanies them. You enjoy throwing or kicking balls, banging items together to get a nice loud sound, and wrestling on the floor with anyone willing to play. We all usually are!
There's your adorable quirks. You point at the porch, where your stroller awaits, and demand "See! See!" If you don't get at least two walks per day, you often throw a fit. And bath time? If we forget, you try to wriggle out of your clothes and climb in yourself! For those rare moments you want a calm activity, you hunt up the single Dora DVD that you watch, wave it in someone's face, and scream "DORA!" until you are watching transfixed. And I love that at your birthday party, rather than sit down and open all your gifts, you simply walked around and made an effort to visit with every single person there. I like to think this means you'll value people over possessions.
Is it any wonder we're all crazy about you? Even though your little personality is still developing, still unveiling, I already know you are going to become the most amazing person. Indeed, I cannot wait to see what further surprises await me from my beloved second-born child. It's such an honor being your mother, watching you grow, and helping you learn.

Happy 1st Birthday, Hudson.
All my love,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Catalpa Tree

from Mom & Dad's property
Dear Summer,
Please hurry!

Silly Snapshots

This would've been a fabulous shot of one of Ava's favorite backyard activities, except for that unfortunately-placed foot! Just another reminder of why the word amateur will always be attached to my photography. Oh, well, I still say she's the cutest thing ever!

As for Hudson, he currently holds the title of "Best Eater in the Smith Family." Not that he has much competition. Erik denies every vegetable known to man. Ava refuses to eat more than the amount required to sustain a small warbler. And I am usually willing to cram WHATEVER down my throat by the time I manage to eat dinner each day. But the Bub? Loves healthy snacks! Pretty much eats anything he is offered! You know what? Despite the messiness of a still-learning self-feeder, I'll TAKE it!

Monday, May 24, 2010

You're Invited

Hudson would like to remind everyone that on Saturday he turns one-year-old! I KNOW IT! This past year couldn't have gone any faster. What a sweet, precious little man! We'll be celebrating at 2:00 on Saturday afternoon at the Smith homestead. Feel free to stop by and wish our second-born a Happy Birthday!

Baby, You Can Drive My Car!

Ava: Hey, Mom, come and see the car I built! Look at the pedals I made!

Me: Are those my sandals?

Ava: Nope! Now they're car pedals! See? The one on the right points up-and-down. You push it with your foot to make the car go. Like this.

Me: Wow, Ava, that's correct!

Ava: I know. And the left pedal is sideways. You push it with your foot to stop the car. Like this. See?

Me: That's right! How did you know that?

Ava: Cause I watch you drive the van, that's why. Want a ride??

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thank You, Ahrens!

These, from Ahrens' Garden of Eatin', have been feeding us all week!

River Walk

This morning, after finishing his breakfast, Hudson stood at the front door, pointed at his stroller (which was still on the porch from last night's walk), and shrieked. "See! See!"

Yes, everyone saw his stroller. Yes, we all knew what he wanted. It's no secret my little man LOVES the outdoors. Of course, it being the weekend and the weather being so nice, we decided to initiate Hudson in the fine art of riverwalking at the Jasper Riverwalk. This was Ava's favorite place to stroll when she was a baby, so we packed up the family and headed out quite early this morning.

What a day! In fact, the dew still glistened on the foliage. Beautiful!

Mile 1: Smiles all around. Dad pushing the stroller. Mom toting the camera while Ava points out the beauty of nature. Barely any sign of last night's storm, other than a muddy, debris-filled river. Even that is beautiful in its own way. And Hudson's pointing like crazy!

Mile 2: Slowing down now. Occasional shrieks from the stroller. Heavy sighs from the pusher. Ava wants the playground. It's much too wet. Disappointed tears. Mom's getting a blister from her sandals. Here we go....

Mile 3: Saw a deer. Perked everyone up! Then Hudson has a wet diaper. Ava has to pee. No bathroom in the vicinity. Mom defies blister to scurry Ava to the nearest potty. Hudson overcomes wetness to rest with Daddy and observe the wet, empty playground. Attempt to regroup.

Mile 4: Never reached. Collective sighs back in the van. Let's do lunch!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Porch Visitor

We found this little guy on our porch awhile back. Have you ever really squatted down and watched a snail move? Amazing! Plus, I didn't really notice that incredible trail of slime until I had uploaded the photograph to my computer. So glad Ava and I took the time to snap this moment. It reminds us to slow down and appreciate life's small, unexpected miracles.

A Grown-Up Conversation

This week, Erik and I were discussing how mothers often assume tasks of gargantuan proportions. Sometimes it seems like we are taken advantage of or simply overwhelmed with responsibility. Of course, I honestly can't remember exactly what situation we were referring to in this conversation, but at one point I enthusiastically and uncharacteristically announced, "I got the shaft! Up the butt!"

Before he could appropriately reply to that unfortunate choice of words, Ava scurried into the room, eyes wide. "Can I see?"

Oh, my. No, really. OH, MY! How do I even begin to explain a metaphor to a four-year-old? Either that, or I need to seriously watch what I say around a daughter with such exceptional hearing!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Being a mother has truly shaped me these past four years, and every Mother's Day I cannot help but feel even more blessed, proud, and emotional about my journey of motherhood. I mean, I sometimes think about myself prior to having children.....yes, I was pretty darn amazing all on my own, but nothing (NOTHING) has cemented my sense of self and my own pleasure in life than my two kids. They have molded me into a woman, made me a better wife (back me up on this, E!), and brightened the world in a way that nothing else could. So on Mother's Day, I always pause a moment and thank God so deeply for allowing me the honor of bringing both Ava and Hudson into the world and guiding them through life. There is no greater honor or joy than that.

On Mother's Day (besides sleeping in, thanks to E!), I kept pretty busy. My cousin Sara had a graduation party that day, so I was able to spend some time with extended family, as well as hang out with my own wonderful mother. Even though I do see her almost every day, it's important to me to make her Mother's Day even more special. Then we four Smiths returned home for some playtime in the backyard. Believe me, fun was had by all!

Then, back inside, the kids and I embarked on a project. Ava decided she wanted to draw a family picture, so under her guidance we created adorable renditions of everyone. I am so impressed with how well her drawing has improved since entering preschool. And Hudson, always intrigued with crayons, was happy to help us. He even contributed some of the beautiful colored lines throughout our creation. Not only was I thrilled with this mother's momento, but I am still amazed that the three of us spent over half an hour working on our project. Think about that for a minute. A four-year-old. An eleven-month-old. All of us bent over a single sheet of paper. No pushing. No arguing. Yes, you read that correctly. Over HALF an HOUR. We're awesome.

P.S. A special "Happy Mother's Day" to my own mother, who knows all about the wonderful craziness of being a mommy. And a grandmother! Not only did she provide me with an inspiring role model, but she knows my children better than almost anyone else. Priceless. Love you, Mom!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Backyard Photo Shoot

Last week, Ava received this beautiful new tutu from Mimi, and she couldn't wait to try it on! Naturally I couldn't resist an impromptu photo shoot in the backyard. You can't tell from the pictures, but Ava only lasted a couple of minutes before she was trying to go down the slide in her outfit! So we had to stop, change clothes, and resume our usual backyard antics. What a fun afternoon for mother and daughter!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Green Thumb Wannabe

As I look out my window, I am breathless with the beauty springing up all around. How the trees have transformed into a bevvy of greeness! Everywhere I look, I see colorful flowers (thanks to my green-thumbed neighbors). And my own azelea bush has flowered for the first time ever. Perhaps this will finally motivate me to put some effort into our landscaping this year.

Either way, it's official: spring has sprung!

Preschool Graduate

On Thursday night, Ava's preschool had its Spring Program, a combination of singing, dancing, and graduating. Although she expressed some nervousness shortly before the program, Ava was nevertheless excited to spend some time with her preschool buddies and graduate to the next level of education. Yeah, either that or she couldn't wait to show Uncle Chris her candy tattoo. (Look closely at her arm and you'll see what I mean.) Okay, maybe Mommy was more excited about the program. Whatever.

At any rate, I was proud of Ava for her performance. At first, she struggled with some nerves and didn't seem all that pleased to be on stage, but by the end of the program she was singing and shaking it with the best of them. So I suppose she has a little of my shyness and uneasiness in front of a large group. Still, she was adorable!

Eleven Months

By eleven months, Mr. Hudson has become a fully-functional WALKER! He's been cruising, taking steps, and trying to run a haphazard marathon for almost two months now, but has finally decided to just overstep the theatrics and WALK already. I'd forgotten how adorable a new walker is, but it's all coming back to me now.

What else has he learned in the past month? He knows that the cow moos and the birdie says tweet-tweet (and will readily inform you of those facts). He has developed a most-endearing crush on Dora the Explorer and will come running when he hears the show's music on the TV. He's disowned baby food and has transitioned to a diet of table food. Only one more month of formula, then onto milk.

Bathtime has become a special treat for him. He loves playing with his sister, especially in the playroom, since he's only recently been allowed into that big-boy sanctum. He also gives hugs and kisses at random now, one of my favorite traits of his. We think purple might be his new favorite color; it's the crayon he always pulls from the box.

Can anyone believe my baby is almost a year old!?!