Sunday, May 29, 2011

Birthday Boy

Dear Hudson,

Today you turned two years old, and as I watched your sweet, giddy excitement grow as you waited for your party guests to arrive, it struck me. Like a bolt of lightning. You are no longer my baby. You are growing up, beautifully. In fact, you are becoming such a strong, intelligent young man that my heart nearly bursts with pride in you. Oh, Hudson, will you ever know how much it means to me to witness your quick grin, that light of understanding in your big, brown eyes, your smoldering sense of humor?

You delight me. Every single day.

This year, on your birthday, you fully understood what it meant. That you are special. That you are to be celebrated. That you are a unique person, a valid part of our family. I'm quite certain you made personal contact with each person who came to spend time with you. Amidst your happy dances, your giggles, your clapping, you gave me a glimpse of the good man you will become.

Indeed, your personality was well-represented by your gifts. You have a solid love of numbers; you count daily and identify numbers everywhere we go. Movement is second nature to you. You like to run, jump, climb, throw, dance, and (thankfully) snuggle. Your inner sweetness has never abated, and although your kisses are rare, you still give the best ones. Direct eye contact, both hands on my face, a sweet smile as you lean into me. Your sister is still your role model; already you've learned so much from her, and like a sponge you simply wait to soak up more.

My little man, you are everything a little boy should be. And more. Yes, you have a dominant stubborn streak. You can be a perfectionist. When your emotions run high and words are not enough, you have a shriek that could peel paint. And yet? I can't help but love you even more for those quirks.

You love to read books, sing songs, and watch Bubble Guppies, Team Umizoomi, and The Wiggles. For a young child, you have a surprising interest in family photographs. Puzzles and coloring are favorite pasttimes. Every time you see an animal, you want to bring it home.

God truly blessed us when he sent us our Hudson Kayo.

Happy birthday, Bub!
All my love,


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Come on! :) If I can't be shamelessly proud on my own blog, then where else? Ha! Seriously, though, I just can't get enough of these two. They surprise and delight me every single day. (Yes, they also try my patience and test me every step of the way, but that's just part of their charm.) Summer cannot get here quickly enough....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Who's the biggest boy I know?


Ok, it's just a silly game we like to play, but seriously? I blinked. And my baby has become a boy. Thanks, Jenny, for snapping this shot at Easter and making my heart sing. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Favorite Things

Spring Edition!

As usual, the spring season has kept us hopping here in SmithLand. Ava has nearly finished her second year of preschool and can't wait for kindergarten. After practicing with his sister, Hudson can now confidently count to thirty and identify all the letters of the alphabet. Erik has fully embraced another season of golfing, and Lori has already begun hatching plans for the summer. And since we will soon transition into that particular season (our favorite!), I thought it high time I shared my favorite things from this spring.

1. I recently discovered The Vintage Pearl online and have been waiting for the opportune time to order something. Meet my Mother's Day gift! It hasn't actually arrived yet, but it looks just like this one (only with Ava and Hudson, of course!)

2. As most of you know, Hudson adores Yo Gabba Gabba, so when I saw these at Zappos, I called him over to the laptop and showed him several options. Giggling, clapping his hands, he instantly chose this pair. The only time I've seen him more excited is when they showed up in a cool brown box on the porch. I think he's now addicted to online shopping! Ha!

3. At a very young age, Ava heard some of my Madonna CDs and became an instant fan. We found this mod T-shirt at K-mart, and Ava absolutely loves it; hers is a bright, bold teal. She wore it to preschool and basked in the attention, although honestly very few of her classmates recognized this icon. Most wondered if it was Hannah Montana, but I'm glad I raised my girl to appreciate her musical talents, if nothing else.

4. My mother actually bought Rob Lowe's autobiography, Stories I Only Tell My Friends, and read it in a couple of days. Inspired by this miracle (love you, Mom!), I knew I had to borrow it immediately. My verdict? Not only is he gorgeous, talented, and just plain cool, but this guy can write! Unlike most celebrities, he did not hire a ghostwriter, but instead wrote the entire book out himself, most of it long-hand. Loved every.single.word.

5. Last summer, when I heard our local Summer Ice vendor was selling, I was appalled. No shaved ices all summer? But last month I saw a sign for a new supplier, Polar Paradise, and have already enjoyed several. My fave? Strawberry Daquari! Yes, I realize this is more of a summer snack, but if they're willing to open early, then I'm more than happy to share the excitement sooner than expected.

6. Despite myself, I had to include Tylenol's chewable tablets. Why? Recently, the Bub has battled a stubborn fever and an ear infection, all in the same week. Whereas before our second-born took his medicine as easily as our first, he suddenly decided he must spit out all unidentified liquids. We were at our wits' ends, until I turned to Facebook and someone suggested these. They're just like candy, and quite frankly, they're magic.

That's it! Some of the things that have made me smile lately. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

For me, motherhood has always been a wonderful mix of magical fairy tale served with a healthy dose of reality. Indeed, I'd have it no other way!

Sidewalk Chalk

What a great way to spend the day!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Daily Readers

Usually, I am the only one in our household who eagerly devours the newspaper. And although I am comfortable with my undisputed reader title, it's always been my hope to pass on this time-honored tradition of reading the daily newspaper.

Looks like we're off to a good start!

No, neither one can actually read yet, but somehow they always manage to find something to interest them. Best of all? They do this together. It makes me smile. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Preschool Graduate

On Wednesday, Ava's preschool had a combination spring program and graduation ceremony. Their theme was patriotic, and Ava's class represented the US Navy. Since my grandfather was in the Navy once upon a time, I thought it a fitting tribute. And also? My baby just graduated preschool!

First off, I must apologize for the poor photo quality. Basically, I sat toward the back, the lighting was low, and there was that one guy in a blue tank who blocked my view every single time I tried to snap a shot.

Oh, well. Just trust me that she was beautiful, and proud, and adorable! :)

Miss Nichole, her teacher for the past two years, will be greatly missed. I read somewhere that a child's experiences in the formative preschool years are most closely tied to their relationship with their teacher. If that's the case, then I owe Miss Nichole a huge thank you, as Ava has thoroughly enjoyed her time at preschool.

Just a few more weeks and then she can officially declare herself a kindergartener!!

Meet Kate

This beautiful little lady, Miss Kate Nicole, was born to my cousin Elizabeth and her husband Toby on March 12. Today, we celebrated her baptism. How time flies! She seems so tiny to me, especially when I look at my own two kiddos and see how much they've grown since their own infanthoods. Is there anything sweeter than a tiny babe, full of possibilities?

Holding an infant always reminds me how powerful becoming a mother truly feels. Effortlessly, I am reminded of how my children transformed my life in the best ways possible. Indeed, the older I get, the more sentimental I seem to become. Not only do I celebrate Kate's arrival, as I watch my cousin and friend light up with her own motherhood, but I am also excited to announce that my sister-in-law will also become a mother later this year. I'm going to be an aunt!

So much happiness, so many new beginnings. In honor of these first-time mothers, and as a reminder to all of us that have already embraced motherhood, I wrote a simple poem to celebrate this miracle. (Honestly, I probably wouldn't have attempted this if my aunt hadn't asked me to write something for Elizabeth that captured the experience of one's firstborn child, so thanks, Sandy! You helped me tap into one of the most meaningful wells of emotion for women and brought back wonderful memories for me of birthing my own sweet Ava and Hudson.)

My Firstborn Child

A hope, a prayer, a miracle
From your very first breath

A glimpse of love eternal
Nestled warmly at my breast

A moment filled with magic,
With a lifetime to embrace

Words could never capture,
The vast power of your face

None will ever truly know
How my heart exploded

All my life from that point on
Its focus newly molded

This realization, my first time,
There will never be another

Loving you transformed me
From mere woman to a mother

P.S. As I posted this poem, I realized there are many women out there who yearn to become a mother and struggle with conceiving. I can't imagine what that feels like, but I do believe miracles can happen. Please, as Mother's Day approaches, say a prayer for anyone who's trying to create a family. May motherhood bless those who hope for it.