Friday, March 6, 2009

Unwilling Coach Potato

Why has the Smith Blog been silent for so long? Why have the photographs, the witty comments, the reflective stories suddenly stopped? Why, because the matriarch has sadly—and out of necessity—recently become what can only be termed a coach potato. Although I am not officially on bed rest or anything, I am pretty much out of commission for the time being as I continue to struggle with my ulcerative colitis flare-up. Damn, damn, double damn!

Needless to say, our family hasn’t done much worth mentioning lately, other than trying to survive this difficult time. Erik has been warming up to the role of Mr. Mom, and Ava’s been battling a cold and fever. So nothing fun to report, I’m afraid. Still, we remain hopeful about the upcoming weeks as spring break and Ava’s birthday approach at the end of the month. Hopefully by then we’ll be up and running and I’ll have more to report.

Until then, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.