Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

Meet the Smith Family

Okay, I know this is an old photo, but it's one of my favorites of our family. Sometimes I can't believe how much time has passed since Ava was a baby. Since turning 2, she's become such a big girl! No more ty-ty (pacifier)! No more diapers! (She is truly a potty-training genius....keep your fingers crossed.) She is truly a big girl now. More pics and more info to come regarding that little transformation.

If you're reading this blog, you probably already know all about us, but I thought my first official post would include some general information. Just in case anyone's actually curious about us. Erik and I are both teachers (he elementary, me high school), which provides us with the unique situation of car-pooling together most days to work. It makes for interesting conversation! We have one daughter--the remarkable and brilliant Ava Brooklyn Smith--who makes our life truly wonderful. Last year we bought a house in Huntingburg and have been enjoying making it ours. (Well, I've been enjoying doing that and Erik has mainly been rolling his eyes....but you get the idea.) The main purpose of this website is to keep everyone up to date with Ava's many adventures, but I'm sure Erik and I will be making myriad appearances as well.

My final thought: I will try to wrap my brain around current technology and find a way to upload more recent pics. Keep an eye out for those....coming soon (I hope!).