Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Today, we....

Built some gear walls.

Perfected our face painting.

Put on our hard hats...

...and went to work.

Played some piano... a background of drums.

Explored the human body...

...and learned all sorts of facts.

Danced on stage together!

Yeah, it was a CMoE kind of day! Combined with lunch at O'Charley's, it was a perfect day.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ten on Tuesday (March '12 Edition)

1. What is your ideal date?
You know, I think my only date demand would be a nice meal. As long as there’s food involved, I’m likely to be a happy camper. Generally, I’d say a movie would be my top choice to go with that meal, although I’ve also enjoyed a few adventurous dates like kayaking and hiking.

2. How do you pick out your sunglasses?
My husband always laughs at my sunglasses choices, mainly because I always go for a dark pair with either tortoise shell or jewels. Tacky sunglasses seem to be my MO, and I’m not picky about where I snag them.

3. What has been your favorite vacation so far?
This has to be a tie between one with my family and one with Erik. Growing up, we vacationed every summer at Spring Mill State Park, and even though it was only an hour’s drive from home, it was fantastic. Those trips combined all my favorite travel elements: family togetherness, nature, exploration, and history. My other fave would be the trip I took with Erik and his family to Florida one summer. We were young, adventurous, and (let’s face it) looked fantastic in our swimsuits on the beach! Fond, sun-drenched memories for sure!

4. Name 5 movies that you will never get sick of.
The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Dirty Dancing, You’ve Got Mail, Titanic.

5. Name 1 book that you will never get sick of.
Any Sookie Stackhouse novel. I’m currently hooked.

6. Do you know any sign language?
Mainly the alphabet, plus a few baby signs I used when the kids were itty bitty. Hey, we even invented a few signs of our own!

7. What is your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie?
If I’m ordering for myself, I always go for one of the peanut butter varieties. Otherwise, if I plan to share with the family, I’ll get Thin Mints.

8. Are you handy? (Can you fix or build anything?)
Not really. I wish I had inherited those skills from my dad, but alas, I did not. My only claim to fame is fixing a doorknob once, and installing our current showerhead. That’s about my limit.

9. In what form do you prefer your potatoes? (Baked, mashed, au gratin, hashbrowns, twice baked, etc.)
Well, I’ve never met a potato I didn’t adore, but I’m especially partial to mashed.

10. Do you believe the saying “actions speak louder than words”?
Yes, I whole-heartedly agree with that saying, but as a writer, I still believe words are vastly important. They hold nearly as much power as actions do. Both work together to get a point across, and I’d say both are valid communication tools. Wouldn’t you?


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sixth Birthday

Dear Ava,

Today you turned six years old, and from the moment you bounded out of bed with a huge grin on your face, I could tell a difference. You walked taller, shone a bit brighter, and carried a confidence that only six can bring. Is it kindergarten that has matured you so noticeably, or simply your own sweet self?

You are six. You are splendid.

This year, you wanted a Barbie party at the park, and you played an integral role in organizing and designing your own celebration. Creativity simply shimmers inside of you, and watching you transform ideas into reality simply takes my breath away. You are my child, yet clearly your own person. I’m quite certain you’ve already eclipsed what I was capable of at the same age.

You can now read and write, and you enjoy honing both skills every day. You still love going to the library, eating pizza as a family, and watching Disney movies. One day, you want to fly on an airplane and visit the ocean (the latter of which we plan to accomplish on our Disney trip this year).

More than anything, I am thankful to be your mother, to have a reserved front-row seat as you grow. Not a day goes by that I don’t have a moment—somewhere in the middle of an average day—where I glance at you and feel my heart skip a beat. You’re magical, every day.

Yes, Ava, you are growing up beautifully. You are a wonderful role model to your brother, whom you claim as your best friend. You have a good heart, a strong, God-loving soul, and a proud personality.

Bless you on your sixth birthday, and always, my sweet firstborn.
All my love,


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Simple Pleasures

Today, we spent some time reacquainting ourselves with the backyard and the simple pleasures that await us there. Like our playhouse, sidewalk chalk, and bubbles.

We also found time to simply run in the grass, freely and happily, while the breeze blew in our faces.

There were flowers everywhere we looked, and birds flitting in and out of our merry-making. Of course, we had to make time for a few photo ops as well.

In all, a lovely, lovely day.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wherein I explain my absence....

You guys, it's been awhile. As my fellow blogger Heather would say, AHH KNOOOOWWW.

I wish I'd been on a great vacation. Or churning out creative crafts with the kids. Or finishing up writing my book. Or even just taking some much-needed me-time to enjoy life. Any one of those things would've been better than what I actually did.

So what did I do? Believe me, you don't need the details, but I've been dealing with an extended flare-up of my ulcerative colitis. And it ain't been pretty. One day, I'll blog about it. Maybe someday, far off, I'll even write a book about living with this condition. In the meantime, I'm simply trying to take care of my health, maintain my quality of life, and say a whole lot of prayers. Everyone has a cross to bear, and this is mine. I've known it since the age of seventeen, and it's not going anywhere.

So there's that. But still? I managed to find time for some fun things, too! It is possible to live a full life with a chronic condition! ;)

First up: this weather! Spring has sprung early this year, and we've been enjoying its beauty and bounty. Both kids have been in great moods and have really been playing so well together. Can't you just tell we've got some comedic chops in the Smith family?

Second: Disney on Ice! We were finally able to initiate the Bub in our Disney hijinks. A couple of weekends ago, we visited the new Ford Center in Evansville and met a whole slew of famous characters. Of course, Hudson was simply charmed by Mickey and his crew, and Ava and I enjoyed seeing more of Disney than just princesses. Of all the shows we've seen, this was by far my favorite. Everyone had a fantastic time.

Well, that's it for now. I know I've probably missed many simple and sweet moments during the last month, but at least you've got the highlights. Here's hoping my health continues to improve and our family can get back to our fairy-tale routine.

Enjoy the spring!


Let's Finish This Thing Already

No excuses, but I completely dropped the ball on this challenge. Yes, I took the photos, but clearly was unable to post them in a timely fashion. What can I say? Motivation is obviously not my game lately. Better late than never, at least.

New library books. Just magical.

I bought this when Erik and I got engaged, and it's still our go-to clock in the house.

Not a very strong photo, but the subject sure makes me happy!

Not only do I hate to clean, but I've honestly never used that mop. I'm more of a Swiffer kind of gal.

Now that Ava is writing, I find these adorable little notes everywhere. Precious!

We're nearing the seven-year-itch mark, and I want my tan back. Ha!

Trusty Friday work shirt. Gotta love it.

Sandals in February? It happened.

We like to maintain some coyness in our family. ;)

Hudson's train table, but where are all the trains?

Bet you can guess my nightly routine. (That or True Blood reruns.)

Confession: I totally forgot to take a food photo. So I'm reusing an old one, kind of like I do our go-to recipes. I roll like that.

If you look closely, you can spot where we hide our extra pocket change.

Ava originally discovered The Wiggles at the age of one, and now Hudson has made the revelation at nearly three. We've memorized every song. Trust me.
