Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fifth Birthday

May 29, 2014
Dear Hudson,

Today you turned five years old, and this birthday was truly transformative.  This year, I looked at you and saw a boy.  Not a baby, or a toddler, or even a preschooler.  Now, you are a big boy, and when I look at you I realize how wonderfully you have grown into yourself this year.  Being Hudson has been so good for you.

You are five.  You are fantastic.

For the first time ever,  you requested a friend party, and I was all too happy to oblige.  Since bowling parties seemed to be all the rage for the preschool set, we organized a bowling birthday party for both friends and family.  It was perfect for you!  While I was nervous about how you'd handle the responsibility of playing host, I couldn't have been prouder of your behavior.  You greeted your guests, secured them drinks, snacks, and seats, and basically blew us all away with your maturity and simple joy at hosting.  I always knew you had it in you, but this time you just glowed with happiness.

Soon you will be a kindergartner, and I hope you will rise to that challenge as you have all others.  You read chapter books now, with the sweetest reading voice I've ever heard.  You enjoy quiet playtime like never before, though you'd still rather have company.  You desperately wanted to attend church at your preschool, and now we go there regularly.  We finally got you and your sister a puppy, and you have become an expert dog whisperer with little Claire.  You never cease to surprise me.

Being your mother has been the most magical experience of my life.  From your happy birth, through your laid-back baby times, to watching you explore your expanding world, it has been an honor to guide you.  I thank God every day for entrusting me with this boy.  You reward me with boundless love, witty humor, and blessed quiet snuggles.

Yes, Hudson, you are growing up handsomely as always.  There is vast potential within you, and I cannot wait to see how it grows and blossoms and expands. 

Happy birthday, my boy.
All my love.