Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Favorite Things

Summer Edition!

Well, summer has come and gone once again, but at least we still have the memories. And the products that captured our hearts while the heat shimmered and the days gloriously passed us by. Although we Smiths had an admittingly casual summer, we nonetheless found ample things to make us smile. Observe:

(1) If you know me at all, you know I love food. All types. All flavors. All but shrimp. Anyhow, I discovered Tastsefully Simple products this summer, and I was hooked. My cousin, mother, and myself all hosted parties and garnered delicious and easy products to help us cook. Again, if you know me, you know I need help in that department. ;) Problem solved.

(2) As previously mentioned, Ava recently started kindergarten, and I wanted her to have a nice back-to-school pair of shoes. Her choice? These Sketchers Twinkle Toes. Seriously, that's her personality captured neatly in colorful design.

(3) We'd always talked about it, but never could commit, until on a whim we grabbed these double DVD players at Wal-Mart one heat-induced night. Yes, it will make our next summer trip to Disney much more bearable, but in the meantime it's helping make even shorter trips more pleasant for the whole family. Double score!

(4) Hudson is handsome. In this hat, he's a heartbreaker. Period. (Pictures to come as soon as I can get Mr. Stubborn to cooperate.)

(5) Thanks to my brother, I became a hardcore True Blood fan. But before the HBO hit came the even-more-addictive novels by Charlaine Harris. Thanks to my cousin Hannah (who let me borrow the first few books), I feel even closer to my favorite characters, human or otherworldly, and am devouring my way through the written series.

(6) Lastly, I must give a shout-out to my new laptop. I will admit that it took me awhile to adjust to this monumental change, as I was quite attached to my old, trusty one. But my new buddy is faster, sharper, and just plain prettier. Yeah, I like!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


(1) First things first: I have a kindergartener!! I know! Today, Miss Ava braved the beginning of her school career, and she did so with determination, hope, and a beautiful smile. I couldn't have been prouder of my firstborn as I walked her into her new school. Because she didn't cry or tremble, neither did I. And although I know being a full-time student will undoubtedly wear her out, I also know she's going to love school. And that makes me smile.

(2) You may have noticed I've rejoined the online community. Yeah, I had Coke spilled on my laptop by a handsome little ne'er-do-weller. Yeah, the device lasted for awhile but ultimately crashed. What's a girl to do? *sigh* I HAD to get a new Ultimately, though, it was money well spent.

(3) Much more to come! I have over a month of summer to catch up blogging. Oh, yeah, and school starts tomorrow for me and Erik. Yikes!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stranded (from technology, anyway)

Update: Well, I think my laptop has had it. :( I am currently writing from the public library. :( :(

Yes, that would explain my long absence from blogging. My lack of Facebook info. Why the summer novel I was writing has stalled at Chapter 19. It's a sad way to end the summer, but I wanted to let everyone know that we're nonetheless enjoying our last few carefree days before school starts.

Yes, there will be a new laptop in my future, but with school coming up and all that entails, I will probably wait a few weeks before getting one. That means I won't be online much in the near future, but I will return!

Take care & enjoy the rest of summer!
