Saturday, March 29, 2014

Eighth Birthday

March 25, 2014
Dear Ava,

Today you turned eight years old, and I realized—for the first time, really—how complex you are becoming within yourself and the world.  I looked at you, at your sweet face and tall, lanky form, and simply marveled. Here is my little girl, growing lovelier before my eyes.  Here is my best friend, knowing exactly when to take my hand.  Here is my old soul, teaching me more about life than I ever thought possible.  

You are eight.  You are enchanting.

This year, you opted to focus on a friend party, which we’ll host next week.  Although I think you missed having that big family shin-dig on your birthday, I know you are transitioning to a more sociable sense of self, and I support that expanding part of your life.  You have always had a captivating personality, and even as your vulnerabilities emerge, I know that you have a solid understanding of who you are and who you want to be.  At your core, you’ll always be my sweet, strong Ava B.    

You still love playing Barbies and reading books, and your sense of fashion is continually evolving.  I love how you prioritize homework each night, and that you’ve stuck with dance classes for almost a whole year now.  You’re contemplating playing softball soon, and your imagination is as wonderful as ever.  There’s nothing more magical to me than watching you in the playroom, creating worlds and characters and bits of fairy-tale.  You love anything Frozen right now, and hearing you hum or sing aloud melts my heart.  Recently, Hudson cut his finger, and you held him in your lap and told him silly stories until he stopped crying.   

As your mother, I love that your sweet, sassy core has never changed.  Your sense of self is so assured, so strong.  Yet each year, new facets of your personality emerge, little surprises that make each day special.  You value family and faith above all else, but you’re not afraid to question the world.  You are independent, yet still the girl who likes to know she is appreciated, understood, and loved. 

Yes, Ava, you are growing up exquisitely  Eight years have passed in a beautiful kaleidoscope of treasured memories, and I know that you will always make me proud to be your mother.  In return, I hope that I can always show you how much you are loved.  Deeply.  Truly.  Unhaltingly. 

Happy eighth birthday, my lovely lady.
All my love,