Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Festivities

Happy Halloween! It's hard to believe the end of October is already here, but we've certainly enjoyed building up to this spooky holiday! In fact, for the past week, the Smith family has been busy with a plethora of Halloween festivities. First up? Costumes!

Not only did Ava personally select her Pocahontas costume, but she's been channeling this charming Indian princess beautifully. I'm not sure what she's doing in this photo, but I'm quite certain it's mired in imagination!

And now, meet my handsome little cowboy....minus his hat, holster, and cowboy boots. Why? Because this dude swaggers to his own beat. Number one on his list was losing the accessories and unleashing his wild side. It's no surprise both of my children chose costumes that relate to the outdoors.

Here's the obligatory family shot, although it did not turn out very well. I was Cleopatra (Queen of Denial, since I refuse to acknowledge that horrible double chin!), and Erik dressed as a Notre Dame player for about the fifth year in a row. At least I finally got him to wear a costume of sorts, right!?!

As for our festivities, we've been carving pumpkins, decorating treat bags for Ava's preschool party, attending Trick-or-Trick at the library (where we entered Wonderland and got to play with all the characters come to life), and partaking of the annual magic show and pizza buffet at the Gaslight. Plus, our fun culminated in my parents' traditional Halloween party at their house. And this was all before Sunday! Whew! Then we finished up with a round of Trunk-or-Treat at Mimi and Papaw's church in Otwell. As you can tell, we love this time of the year around here! Fun, fun, fun!

Ava met a few of her friends at the Gaslight, where they enjoyed the magician Don, especially when he pulled a rabbit from his hat!

In all, it's been a wonderful and busy Halloween. I can't believe I didn't get any shots of our pumpkins, or complete views of the costumes, but it seems like that happens every year. Sometimes I'm so swept up in the fun that I forget to document it. But at least I know my kids will treasure the memories, if not the photographs!

P.S. I tried to get crafty and post photos with rounded edges, but apparently Blogger decided this was not an acceptable form of artistry, so I apologize for the odd appearance of these pics. Right now, I'm just too lazy to fix them! ;)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Boo at the Zoo

To initiate our fall break this year, we decided to attend Boo at the Zoo at Mesker Park Zoo in Evansville. Honestly, I can't believe that we had never been before, but I can safely say that this will be a new Smith family tradition. Although it was very crowded, it was a beautifully organized event that was well worth the trouble! For a small entry fee, we walked away with lots of free goodies, plus an evening of fun with awesome Halloween atmosphere. I've been to this zoo many, many times, but it truly felt like a completely different world with all the decorations, lights, and costumes.

Of course, it wasn't a perfect outing. Hudson was already sleepy and cranky by the time we arrived. It was my hope that he'd stay in the stroller as we toured the "haunted" zoo, but he was having none of it. At first, I let him walk with us, but it was simply too crowded and he refused to listen, so it was back in the stroller. And Ava, although she loved the experience, eventually grew tired of waiting in the lines for the various treats, games, and freebies. So ultimately we probably missed half the opportunities because we had to rush through and finish.

But still? I LOVED it! And I think (even amid some small issues) the kids did too. Of course, with so much activity going on, I barely got any photos, but here are the few I did manage. Notice, there are very few smiles. I guess sometimes having Mom with the camera is just too much. Oh, well!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tractor Time

Every fall, this was a familiar scene outside my bedroom window. So this weekend, when I caught sight of this farming routine, it immediately brought back happy memories. My mind was instantly filled with flashes of light across a dusty field, the undercurrent of whirring machinery, and the sweet, slippery, metallic sound of corn kernels falling down a chute. Always thought I'd marry a made me smile to see this tractor, so I thought I'd share.

A Foiled Plan

This weekend, since the weather was so beautiful, I thought it might be a nice chance to take a photo of the kids for our Christmas card (I get a discount if I order early!). Since I was planning on a black-and-white-close-up for our card, I wasn't worried about what they wore. We just hopped outside one afternoon and decided to give it a try. Both kids LOVE playing in the backyard, so I figured I'd get lucky and finagle a few good shots.

Think again!

Somehow, with Erik's help, I got them both posed near our trees. Ava was smiling, ready to do her duty and be done, but Hudson simply couldn't understand why he had to sit down. Sit down!?! When there was a yard to explore? It was too much to bear. As you can see, he stomped off-set in frustration.

We brought him back for another try, but by this time Ava was through with her modeling partner. We let him burble and cry and return to playing, while Ava rested in the grass and questioned her own sanity.

How can I not love these two?!? Christmas card or no Christmas card, they always make my holidays merry and bright. Guess we'll just try again later, when playing isn't such a priority.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quiet Moments

Today, I sat in a quiet forest with my daughter and listened to the soft sounds of leaves drifting down from the trees above us. It was magical. It was uplifting. It was exactly what I needed at exactly that moment. And I had to wonder, how long had it been since I'd stopped turning on the wheel of daily life and just sat...and listened....and enjoyed the beauty of a single soft moment?

It had been her to idea to sneak away while "the boys napped" and take a walk together in nature. Boy, am I glad she's full of good ideas! It would've been so easy to rest on the couch, or to grade those papers that are still waiting, but I'm so very thankful we took a moment instead to feed our souls. Indeed, with warm weather and leaves bursting with colors, it was truly a pleasure to simply be. Together.

Of course, being us, we had to take the camera along. Ava was more than willing to pose as we communed with nature. This beautiful child of mine often takes my breath away, but more than that, I often forget she's only four. An old, wise soul resides in that refreshingly youthful body. Yes, she chased leaves, skipped along the road, and giggled like the child she is. Thank God for that! Yet it was her idea, while we rested on a bench, to sit quietly and listen.

Ava: Do you hear that?
Me: What?
Ava: Let's sit here and just listen. That's the sound of the leaves coming down.

(No, my dear, that's the sound of my contented heart beating at your sheer wonderfulness.)

With one simple request, she took me back to my own childhood, a childhood spent wallowing in the beauty of nature. Sometimes it seems I've lost that ability to be quiet, to listen, to soak in the unseen vibrations of life. But today? Today a very special four-year-old helped me rediscover that part of myself. And I couldn't be happier or more thankful for that.

In fact, when we returned home and I browsed through our photos, I was reminded of a quote by John Lennon that I had read just that morning. It seemed so perfectly suited to our day that I hunted it up so that I could share it here with everyone.

‎"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life." — John Lennon

I felt so blessed to experience a piece of that happiness today, and I hope everyone discovers such moments in their own lives as well.

My Wrangler Man

What is it about a man (even a little one!) in a great pair of jeans? Cause he just about melts my heart when he parades around the house looking like this. My handsome Hudson strikes again, says the ridiculously proud mama with a heart full of love. Corny, but true. What can I say?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall Leaves

This weekend, we celebrated the fall birthdays of three relatives with a joint birthday party filled with food, family, and fun (my favorites!). For some reason, I forgot to bring my camera along, but luckily Aunt Jenny came to the rescue and shared these photos on Facebook. (Thanks for that, Jenny!). As you can see, the giant pile of leaves was the hit of the party! Hudson, being the only boy there, was clearly in his element. This boy loves leaves!

Ava tried to pose with her brother, but he was having none of it and simply wanted to be a boy.

I would love to know what he was thinking for this shot, but it looks like he ran most of the girls off and finally had the pile all to himself!

Of course, Ava didn't want her father to feel left out of the leaf fun, so she simply had to help him get involved, too!

Sometimes it's the simple pleasures in life that bring the most joy. :) At least I think so. And spending time outdoors in the fall with family is one of them. Happy birthday to Tim, Jill, and Kiera!