Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Color Song

It's no secret that the Bub loves colors. As soon as he could speak, he started learning their names and pointing them out. In fact, he still does that! But nothing—I mean, nothing—beats his recent foray into the world of colors.

One day, Hudson was really into yellow. He gathered up yellow items from the playroom. In the van, he pointed out the window as we passed various hues of yellow. Back home, Erik and I got into the spirit and started singing Mellow Yellow.

Bub was hooked! He called it the Yellow Song and sang it on repeat all day long. We even looked it up on YouTube and let him while away the day singing along.

Then he tired of yellow and broadened his horizons.

Hudson: Green song?
At first, I couldn't think of anything, but then Erik sang the Green Giant jingle, and Hudson laughed. But he wasn't finished yet.

Hudson: Purple song?
We exchanged glances and both launched into Prince's Purple Rain. Hudson clapped his little hands and giggled.

Hudson: Blue song?
Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes

Hudson: Red song?
Red, Red Wine by UB40

Hudson: Orange song?
This one stumped us. Erik wanted to cheat and teach him Peaches by Presidents of the United States of America, but that didn't meet with the Bub's approval. So we just sang “Orange?” and shrugged our shoulders.

All day, we sang these songs and tried to teach Hudson the lyrics, but all he was interested in were the lines that actually contained the colors. Thus, by day's end he had created a conglomerate of verses that we now lovingly refer to as The Color Song. We can't really take credit for it, but this is Hudson's own remixed version. He has memorized it, loves it, and sings it daily now.

May I present: The Color Song.
They call me Mellow Yellow.....
Green giant! Yum!
Purple rain, purple rain....
Well, you can do anything, but lay off of my blue suede shoes!
Red, red wine.....

Repeat as necessary.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Growing Up Fast

Recently, Ava acquired a diary while we were shopping on Fourth Street with my mom. (Thanks, Mamaw!) Since then, she has been filling up its pages with letters, words, and drawings. Mainly art.

Because it came with a lock and key, she's been very secretive about the contents. However, today she finally caved and let me have a peek.

(cell phone & tractor)

(librarian stamping a book & a tomato)

Our ensuing conversation was priceless.

Me: This is an amazing diary, Ava! You've done an excellent job.

Ava: This is officially my new favorite toy!

Me: Good choice.

Ava: I love it so much, I'm going to take it to college with me! I can do that, right, Mom? Take it to college?

My dear, sweet girl, of course you can! But first, let's tackle kindergarten, all right? Love her and that imagination.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Favorite

This week, I've been going through our photo archives in an attempt to choose four of my favorite shots to make into canvases to go over our couch in the living room. Wow, I didn't know how difficult this process would be! Each Friday, I will be highlighting some of my favorites, and then if I can't make up my mind I will be looking to my blog readers (yes, all three of you! ha!) to help me choose. Sound good? ;)

First up: this photograph of Ava from last summer. I adore this one for many reasons. (1) It was totally random. We were playing at the park, and as we left we passed by League Stadium. Since I had my camera, I asked Ava to stop and pose. She did, but pouted about it and refused to look at me or smile. Still? I love the result. (2) Those colors! I promise I didn't plan this, but all those greens and blues look magical together. In fact, I didn't edit this one in any way; those colors are all natural. (3) If you know my daughter, this is classic Ava. End of story.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back Outside!

After nearly a week of feeling poorly, Ava and Hudson were ready for an outdoor adventure. While Daddy golfed (apparently he needed one, too!), we took a trip to Mamaw and Papaw's house for some old-fashioned outdoor fun. First on our itinerary? A new swingset!

I kept trying to get Hudson to push back his hat, so I could get a good shot of his gorgeous little face, but his response? "I like it low!" Hilarious! Now that he's speaking more clearly and using sentences, the language fun has truly begun.

Of course, Ava was happy to pose for me, as long as it took only .25 seconds and came attached with a bribe. Gotta love 5-year-olds. They're smart enough to play the game, and play it well. That explains why we had McDonald's Happy Meals for lunch, right?

To me, summertime always means a new litter of animals. Growing up, most of my memories involved kittens, puppies, even baby chicks. So I'm glad my parents continue to have baby animals fresh each year for my kids to enjoy. Of course, you'd think I could manage a shot of 'lil Angus' sweet face, instead of the other end, but to be fair I was aiming for my son, not Lady's!

As Ava jumped, we all enjoyed the brisk, warm air, the fluffy clouds soaring overhead, and the soft sounds of trees rustling around us. What a magnificent day!

Stuck Inside (Previously)

What do you do when it's summertime and you're stuck inside? Play pretend-cooking and make some picture pizzas to help you feel better! Of course! ;)

Last week, both kids caught some sort of a virus and spent nearly all week inside with fevers, plus pukes for poor Ava. No fun! Thankfully, a healthy dose of love, popsicles, and Disney movies got us through. Plus, creative and calm activities like the one pictured above. Believe it or not, this kept them busy for almost two hours. Definitely worth a trashed kitchen for that!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Welcome, Summer!

It's here! My favorite time of the year! I know I've been slacking on the 'ol blog lately, but summer has finally arrived and we Smiths are taking full advantage of it. Once again, I feel so blessed to have two teachers in the family, and endless possibilities with our kiddos. Making summertime memories was such an important part of my own childhood that I adore doing the same with Ava and Hudson.

So what have we been up to? Swimming. Holiday World trips. Summer ices. Long afternoon naps. Playing with the neighbor's kittens. Sidewalk chalk. Random Wal-Mart trips. Elaborate playroom games. Walks and bicycle riding. Visiting with friends. Going through the drive-thru on a whim. Bubbles in the backyard (see previous post). Yard-sale-browsing. Cooking experimental meals. Sleeping in late. Laughing for no apparent reason.

Yeah, it's the simple things that make me happiest. And summer is the best time to enjoy them.

Happy summer, everyone!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!

Bubbles, bubbles on my nose
Bubbles, bubbles on my toes

Bubbles, bubbles in my hair
Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!

Bubbles, bubbles float on top
Bubbles, bubbles pop-pop-pop!

Bubbles, bubbles fly so high
Count 1-2-3 as they go by

Bubbles, bubbles are so much fun
Bubbles, bubbles for everyone!

-from Bubbles, Bubbles by Sesame Street

Why I Have Two

Overheard in the playroom recently.....

Ava: I love you, Hudson.

Hudson: Love you, Sissy.

Melt. My. Heart.