Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

Recently, I came across this idea (answering ten random questions about yourself every Tuesday) on another blog, and it immediately spoke to me. Why? Well, I like filling out surveys, sharing information about myself, and having one post a week already planned out for me. Brilliant!

This week, I'm borrowing some questions from past issues, but after that I plan to follow the routine questions posted weekly on the Ten on Tuesday website. I think it's just a fun way to incorporate myself into my blog a bit more. Enjoy!

1. What is your favorite month?
This one is so difficult for me, as I find pleasurable elements about each month. One of my favorite benefits of living in the Midwest is getting to experience all four seasons. That being said, my choice would probably be December. Nothing beats the magic of Christmas, or all twenty-five days of anticipation, along with my birthday.

2. What is your favorite online store?
My first instinct would be Barnes & Noble, but my credit card proves otherwise. Apparently, I’ve spent a small fortune on Shutterfly.com. Then again, I always say I’ll never regret buying memories.

3. You go to a new Italian restaurant; what is your go-to order?
That’s easy: cheese ravioli. You know, I’m pretty boring like that.

4. What is your favorite board game?
Growing up, my favorite was Monopoly, as my family played some pretty epic competitions. Now, though, I have to go with Scrabble. I’ve been playing online, and I’m a bit of a show-off with my mad skills.

5. Do you know how to play poker?
Only enough to know that I’m a terrible player. Even my own husband refused to play with me at family gatherings. (Thanks, E!)

6. What's your favorite kind of pie?
Pumpkin pie. Mainly my mom’s version. End of story.

7. What is your dream vacation?
Honestly, I’m pretty easy to please in the vacation department, other than my no-flying rule. (In case you didn’t know, my two random phobias in life are flying and centipedes.) Ideally, I’d like a warm beach, a never-ending line-up of food not prepared by me, and endless time to relax.

8. What color are your toenails painted?
Right now, Essie Turquoise & Caicos, to lend a beachy feel to these long winter weeks.

9. What is the last movie you watched at the cinema?
Over Christmas break, Erik and I managed one date, a relaxing meal at Texas Roadhouse coupled with a much-needed trip to the cinema to see Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. That movie? Fabulous. I won’t even mention the dream I had later about Robert Downey Jr. Fabulous, I say.

10. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
As cliché as it sounds, nothing beats Dirty Dancing for me. Never has, never will. A piece of my heart will always belong to Patrick Swayze.

P.S. After careful consideration (and so as not to injure any blog readers with an overdose of me), I have decided to only post Ten on Tuesday once a month. February edition....coming soon! ;)


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lil Lebowski

A few weekends ago, we decided to initiate Hudson into the wonderful world of bowling. He's really matured the last month or so, and now we can take him places and know that he'll handle these new situations beautifully.

And bowling? He was a natural!

Indeed, he gladly donned the adorable little bowling shoes, lovingly selected his orange bowling ball, and even helped his mama set up the scoring machine.

He held my hand up to the line, always, but demanded to push his beloved orange ball down the alley himself. Then he usually dropped to his belly and eagerly watched his ball do its thing. Then, as long as he hit even one pin down, he strutted his sweet self back to the rest of the family.

Love him!

And, just because I'm silly like that, here are our scores from that day. We only bowled one game, but it was the longest and sweatiest game I've ever experienced. But also the "funnest" too!

Erik: 98

Lori: 134

Ava: 58

Hudson: 74

Okay, so we're not exactly bowling pros here, but when it comes to family fun, we know what we're doing. Strike!


Friday, January 20, 2012


“Remember the quiet wonders. The world has more need of them than it has for warriors.” ~Charles de Lint

As a proudly self-proclaimed introvert, I can nearly track the progress of my life in quiet moments. Indeed, it is those very strong and silent memories that have most formed the woman I am today.

Sitting in a pine tree with a notebook balanced on my knee. Watching the stars while a cat twined ‘round my feet and a loyal dog panted in my ears. Holding steady hands to my swollen belly and listening to the subtle shifting of the life beneath them.

Yes, quiet is a good thing, a familiar thing. Really, it’s kind of my thing.

How many times in my life have I heard someone comment on my habitual silence? I don’t talk enough. I need to be more vocal. I’m too quiet. (There it is again, that word that has such a powerful place in my life.)

Yet I have never felt the need to apologize for being quiet. I have never allowed others—with their all-too-often negative connotation of that word—to sway my firm resolution in my own personality. Yes, I’ve always known I’m quiet; in fact, I ardently love that about myself!

Why does quiet have to be a bad thing? In this thought-provoking novel written by a fellow introvert, author Susan Cain asserts, “Many of the achievements that have propelled society, from the theory of evolution to the invention of the PC, from van Gogh’s sunflowers to The Cat in the Hat, came from people who were quiet, cerebral, and sensitive.” Clearly, reticence can create wonderful results, even in higher learning, and I cannot wait to read her thoughts on a life lived quietly.

For me, quiet simply provides a way to reconnect with myself, with that inner voice, even with the universe. I feel more connected with the world when I am silent. My spirit is undoubtedly a quiet one, and I often feel overwhelmed by the noises swirling around me. To recharge my batteries, so to speak, I draw energy not from Duracell’s but from these quiet moments.

Of course, much of my life is loud as well. I am a teacher, so obviously I’m surrounded by a cacophony of daily voices—and I noticeably spend many hours talking to them myself. In my life partner, I chose one of the most talkative people I’ve ever come across (but, I might add, one who also respects my frequent need for quiet in the home). Without a doubt, there are times when being verbal is necessary, beneficial, and unavoidable.

Nevertheless, I like the quiet. I live the quiet. And I applaud Susan Cain from the bottom of my introverted heart for writing a book that both defends and honors those of us who are proudly quiet in a world of loud. While I recognize that this is not the only way or even the best way to live, it is certainly a valuable way—and, for better or worse, it is my way.

“The good and the wise lead quiet lives.”


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Year

A new year can bring with it so many strings—resolutions, goals, reflections, the acknowledgement of change—but for me, welcoming 2012 was a time to return to the simpler life. Instead of carefully photographing our special moments, quickly writing blog posts to enhance our memories, or perusing Facebook to share with others, I did none of those things.

Why? I don’t know. But it felt good.

You know what else felt good? Spending the day in my pajamas. Playing board games with my family. Reading a thick stack of books (the old fashioned kind, not on my Kindle). Messing up the playroom and letting it sit that way for days. Making fruit salad with my son. Writing stories with my daughter. Staying up late to watch movies with my husband.

So that’s how I’ve begun my year, and that’s why the blog has been at a standstill for so long. Not that I don’t love it (or miss it!), but I just needed a break. Also, with my colitis flaring up over the holidays, I wanted time to settle myself and focus on the basics. That helped, too.

But the holidays? Awesomesauce. Seriously, the best we’ve had. It was so magical, it reminded me of my own childhood Christmases. Full of joy and fun and innocence. In fact, Ava and Hudson were so appreciative of their happiness this year that they made an adorable thank-you card for everyone who blessed them. (Ok, I helped, but they actually put a lot of thought into it themselves, I swear!)

Thus, it is with hope and love and blessedness that I welcome 2012, and look forward to another year of life, and of blogging, of course!

Stay tuned….more memories to come.
