Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Going back to school has always been a Catch-22 for me.  On the one hand, it forces me into a routine, which becomes increasingly necessary the longer I am without constraints of some sort.  I now have a reason to rise from my bed (albeit sluggishly) at a decent hour, dress in appropriate clothing (rather than lounge in pajamas), and eat my meals at socially acceptable times (instead of grazing all the live-long day).  See—so many positive results.
On the other hand?  I love summer.  I love sleeping in as long as my children will allow.  I love filling my un-scheduled days with creative crafts, carefree playtime, and little impromptu adventures.  I love summer.  I love hot days, cool pools, and long lazy afternoons.  I love being with my kids.  I love popsicles, library books, and backyard baseball games.  I love summer.
You see which hand has—well—the upper hand.
Being a teacher has always allowed me the privilege of experiencing two worlds: a hard-working career gal nine months of the year, followed by those three glorious months of SAHM-ish-ness.  For that, I am thankful.
It’s just the darn transitions that get me.  Especially the back-to-school one. 
So here I am, nearly ten years into my chosen profession, with one child in first grade and the other just starting preschool.  We’re currently caught up in the grind of school days, and it’s a bit overwhelming.  Sounds cliché, but where has the time gone?  Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay.
Although I’ve been lazy about blogging, it will always be a priority to me.  Writing is my outlet, always has been, always will be.  Hopefully, once I adjust to this most recent transition, I can return to multiple posts every week.  Fingers crossed!
In the meantime, I’m finding new shades of happiness in sharpened pencils, glossy backpacks, and fresh school clothes.  There’s nothing to boost the spirits like a sweet-smelling kiddo heading off to school with a smiling face and a hopeful attitude.
That, and the weekends. ;)  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012



Now that our summer is coming to a close (Ava starts school tomorrow! Hudson will start next week!), I thought it might be fun to review our summertime adventures via Instagram.  Here are some of my favorite insta-memories.  Every single image brings a smile to my face...