Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Seventh Birthday

March 25, 2013
Dear Ava,

Today you turned seven years old, and it took my breath away to see that you have grown so beautiful, so intelligent, so wise beyond your years. You’ve always been a bright personality in my life—my sparkling firstborn—but now more than ever you are becoming a friend as well. Yes, I will always be your parent, but it warms me to see the girl you are on your own merit.

You are seven. You are superb.
This year, you planned two parties for the first time ever.  We had our usual family get-together, and later this week we’ll host a group of your friends for a cupcakes and canvas party.  Such an event perfectly highlights the social, artistic, and independent aspects that are expanding within you.  Already I see less of the little girl I once cuddled to sleep, and more of the young woman with whom I chat and pray with each night before bedtime.  I treasure those conversations, my sweet girl, and hope that routine always lingers between us. 

You now read chapter books, curled quietly on the couch or aloud to one of us, and have been getting straight A’s in school.  Every day you manage to squeeze in an art project between sharing stories with your parents and playing patiently with your brother. You love Wal-Mart runs, dining out together, and playing Barbies.  I think your family will always be the most important thing to you, and that makes me proud.  You speak freely about God, and that makes me thankful.

More than anything, I am grateful to have you in my life. From the moment you were born, you have brought me a deep happiness that I could never fully explain. Simply knowing you, appreciating you, and loving you has made my life complete.

Yes, Ava, you are growing up beautifully. Seven years have blessed you with so much, and you surprise me every single day with your capacity for life. You are the loveliest girl I know, and you are full of magic.

Happy seventh birthday, my sweet firstborn.

All my love,