Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ava!

Ava posing with her princess birthday cake

Opening birthday gifts

Yes, this is our bathroom; Ava invited all the females into this room for some dancing; no, I have no idea where she gets these ideas!

On March 25, Miss Ava turned three years old, and let me tell you, it is a truly breathtaking experience to look at your child and be completely blown away by the person she is becoming. Already Ava has such a strong sense of self, and I am so proud of the little girl I now see before me. Yes, I know that probably sounds incredibly sappy, but I can’t help it. She is amazing!

Per her instructions, the third birthday party had a blue princess theme. Each year I get Ava her own cake (generally to destroy as she eats it, a tradition that has lingered since her first birthday), but this year she decided blue cupcakes were the way to go for her own special treat. In addition, Mimi arranged for a large princess sheet cake to share with everyone else, and I (being pregnant and full of cravings) created quite the smorgasbord of snacks, along with a little help from my mother. Toss in some balloons, extra chairs for seating, and princess decorations, and we were in business.

Luckily the weather was beautiful the day of Ava’s party, and afterwards she was able to enjoy her new swing set from Mamaw and Papaw, as well as play with all her new gifts. Thanks again to everyone who helped make her birthday so special!

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